Motor Vehicle Record Fees on the rise as State Budgets implode

By | Aug 18, 2009

Several states have recently raised the fees for accessing motor vehicle driving records, which will impact the budgets of trucking and transportation firms, small and large.   In some cases the state MVR fee hike is significant. Starting September 1st, Florida is raising their fee for a 3 year MVR driving record from $2.15 to $8.00, […]

Questions arise about background checks on airline workers

By | Jul 20, 2009

With the recent Air France airline crashes in the news, and the very publicized damage to a Southwest Airlines Flight recorded on cell phone camera, the scrutiny is returning to the ground, including how background checks are conducted on ground workers in avionics and airplane maintenance.   An Article in WFAA in Texas, discusses the troubling […]

How run a background check on potential executives

By | Jul 15, 2009

Hiring a new executive today can be a frustrating and expensive enterprise. You want to attract and retain top management talent, but in this recession you might be hindered by a shrinking personnel budget and bewildered by the flood of seemingly qualified candidates’ resumes.    Using a recruiter can assist in your pursuit of a qualified candidate but […]

125 unemployed human-resource professionals share support

By | Jul 13, 2009

Philadephia Business Today reported that the Philadelphia Human Resource Planning Society sponsored a seminar for laid-off human resource professionals.   The seminar was attended by more that 125 unemployed professionals who learned new tips and tricks from five panelists including Glenn Sward, head of recruiting for the Americas at SAP America, Inc.   Sward provided a wealth […]

Going Whole Hogg $8.6 Million Verdict in Wild Pig Accident

By | Jul 2, 2009

A  jury recently awarded $8.6 Million to a Monterey County motorcyclist who was severely injured after striking a wild pig.  The jury found that State highway officials were responsible for the Plaintiff’s injuries.  They ruled that the officials ignored evidence that a stretch of highway was dangerous because wild pigs were crossing it and the State […]

Establishing an Electronic Form I-9 Account with E-Verify

By | Jun 30, 2009

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) offers electronic employment eligibility verification through their E-Verify program.  Some background screening companies, such as Corra Group, based in Los Angeles, is a designated agent and will help you establishing your electronic employment eligibility account.   Additionally, Corra Group will integrate your electronic I-9 form with your background check screening […]

Financial Job Seekers optimism highlights need for deeper background checks

By | Jun 11, 2009

According to a recent survey by, about 75% of financial job seekers believe they will find employment within the next six months, which isn’t surprising considering the “Type A” personality necessary to succeed at most financial services positions.   This optimism might be shortsighted according to another study by Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which indicates  the venture […]

Healthcare Screening Services – the FACIS Search

By | May 27, 2009

Screening healthcare workers for contracts sometimes requires more than just drug screening and criminal records searches.   Occasionally some facilities may require you to implement a healthcare sanctions search. This search including the OIG/GSA database, or the office of Inspector General and General Services Administrations sanctioned list and disciplinary actions for healthcare workers and others barred […]

Applicant Tracking Software as a Service SAAS

By | Apr 28, 2009

As your company grows, you should consider integrating your applicant tracking software with your background screening system.   Operating independantly, these two Human Resources business processes require data entry for applicant data and management oversight.   When you integrate these processes, you reduce or eliminate the data entry by your human resources department.  Applicants will apply for […]

Confusion about rapists Background Check

By | Feb 10, 2009

If you have been following the story in the Los Angeles Times, you would have read about the convicted rapist who was fired by Los Angeles County and then rehired again.  Beasley was convicted in 1992 of raping two women under color of authority while working as an on-duty Los Angeles police officer. today the […]

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