Background Check interview with Corra Group about Ryan Jenkins

By | Apr 19, 2010

CanalPlus, a french film cable news channel, interviewed Los Angeles Based Corra Group Background These all medicines come under the category of PDE5 inhibitors with placebo in men that are seen with some spinal cord injuries are trustable. cialis prices Once you have been diagnosed with ED, but you are allergic to the order […]

Background Checks for Film and Television Production Companies

By | Apr 16, 2010

In response to Corra Group’s recent inteview with French television news station CanalPlus, Corra has prepared three background screening packages specifically for the film and television industry, ideally suited for screening Reality television contestants, production company staff, as well as film production financial partners.  Protecting your investment has never been more important, as reality television contestants […]

Connecticut Driving Records MVRs now available instantly

By | Mar 12, 2010

Connecticut driver abstracts or MVRS (motor vehicle records) are now available instantly directly from the State of Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles for employment screening and insurance purposes.  Records include 3 Years of Moving Violations, 10 years for driving under the influence, evading responsibility and driving under suspicion.  Driver’s license suspensions are always reported and […]

Guam Motor Vehicle Records now available!

By | Feb 26, 2010

Corra Group is now offering Guam Driving Records (Motor Vehicle Records) through their state of the art software delivery system.  Adding motor vehicle recordssearches to your background check program will provide you with greater insight into your job applicant’s civic behavior and fiscal responsibility.  DUIs are reported, where sometimes they do not appear on a nationwide […]

Criminal Checks for International Candidates

By | Jan 29, 2010

Whether your contractor meeting government compliance or a firm looking to protect your reputation, it’s a good idea to run background checks on your international experienced hires.  Although more costly than screening US Citizens, you will save money in the long term by protecting your brand and reducing any exposure to negligent hiring lawsuits.    So, what do you […]

Background Check Turnaround Time an Issue for Jails

By | Jan 17, 2010

Turnaround times for background checks are an important issue for employers.  Human Resources manager are anxious to onboard new hires and get them into the pipeline.   Background checks are sometimes streamlined or sidelines altogether in order to fulfill a hiring need.   A recent article about Luzerne County Correctional Facility is a lesson in what not […]

Canada Criminal Records searches for pre-employment screening

By | Nov 30, 2009

Since the Ryan Jenkins Murder affair, there’s been much attention to the nuts and bolts of conducting background checks on job candidates from Canada.  How are they conducted?  Are they reliable? Can we trust the data we are receiving? Can we trust our vendor to oursource our background checks to an international researcher?  Can we trust the […]

Pensacola naval air station conducting background checks on cabbies

By | Nov 1, 2009

Pensacola naval air station is conducting background checks on local cabbies who pick up and drip military personnel from the air station. The cabbies are not happy about. According to a news article, Why does it happen? Even though the best option would be to prevent such a problem from occurring in cheap viagra tablet […]

Airport Security Guard accused of threatening Barack Obama passed background checks

By | Oct 27, 2009

According to a newsday article, a Newark airport security workers was arrested for allegedly making a shoot threat against President Barack Obama. He had been working for the security firm for six years, and had passed the mandatory FBI and 10 year employment background check.  The article goes on to suggest that the background check […]

Protect your firm by running DUI background checks

By | Sep 15, 2009

A recent news article has Alton Mayor Tom Heochst instructing the police department to run background checks on “current employees who drive city vehicles who have lost their driver’s licenses because of DUI convictions. Anyone who turns up in the search with a suspended or revoked license – so far, two employees – is asked […]

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