No background checks for rogue doctor

May 29, 2008 - 5:03 pm

Another background check controversy is erupting in Australia where a rogue doctor was practicing obstetrics illegally. The health minister reported : 

no background checks were done on Graeme Reeves before he was employed as an obstetrician at two South Coast hospitals in 2002 despite being banned from the specialty in 1997.  

Police are investigating hundreds of serious allegations against Mr Reeves of sexual assault and botched procedures, including genital mutilation

The importance of Background Checks
Since this case is being discussed in Australian parliament and reported widely in the news, it’s important for businesses across the world the realize the potential public relations nightmare involved with negligent hiring.  It’s important for any business, not matter the size, to develop and implement and background screening program for their firm.  Background checks costs vary widely, and not all firms needs the same type of background checks.  

Hospitals, as per the above horrible case, would do well to not only conduct a comprehensive criminal record search in the candidate’s address history, but also check references  and verify employment, at least three previous employers.  For professional medical positions, it’s imperative to verify that person’s educational background and check their professional licenses for current registartion and any disciplinary action.  We also recommend running OIG/GSA sanctions list for all healthcare workers.

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