Protect your firm by running DUI background checks

Sep 15, 2009 - 2:31 pm

drunk-drivingA recent news article has Alton Mayor Tom Heochst instructing the police department to run background checks on “current employees who drive city vehicles who have lost their driver’s licenses because of DUI convictions. Anyone who turns up in the search with a suspended or revoked license – so far, two employees – is asked to sign an agreement to go on unpaid leave of absence.”

Background checks are a valuable tool for screening offer ready candidates.  They can also be used to screen active employees, as the city of Alton is starting to do.  Before you begin to expand your screening practice to including ongoing checks of your current workforce, make sure you are in compliance with the Fair Credit Report Act.  You must always have your job applicants signed a consent and release form before running a background check.  If you are going to screen active employees, make sure that release form includes language giving you the right to screen again once the candidate has been hired.

Recurring Screening
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Some contracts and DOT regulations require annual screening of your driver’s motor vehicle records.   Your driver may have had a clean driving record when they applied for the job, but after twelve months many things can change, including driving under the influence convictions, accidents, suspensions, etc.  Make sure you are in compliance with your contracts by conducting ongoing screening.  Your driver’s Motor Vehicle records can be accessed at Safeguard Screening in real time.  We provide data connections to 50 states Department Of Motor Vehicles.  Some states, like Florida, offer both 3 year and 7 year driver record reports.  Make sure you check with your client to determine what type motor vehicle record report you need.

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