Financial Job Seekers optimism highlights need for deeper background checks

Jun 11, 2009 - 4:59 pm

According to a recent survey by, about 75% of financial job seekers believe they will find employment within the next six months, which isn’t surprising considering the “Type A” personality necessary to succeed at most financial services positions.   This optimism might be shortsighted according to another study by Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which indicates  the venture capital industry will have to shrink – possibly by half — if it wants to be profitable.

Hopefully the financial industry continues to attract the best and the brightest. After scandal comes reform, and hopefuly the reformation of the financial services industry will include a deeper background check by financial employers.  A more thorough candidate screening will help determine which job candidates do not cause further damage to the financial services industry.  Most employers should continue to check candidates for federal criminal records as well as FINRA broker license checks.

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