Nevada DPS releases inaccurate background check information

Sep 25, 2008 - 4:10 pm

And you thought you were going to get the job right?  Mercury News has an article about how the Nevada Department of Public Safety inaccurately reported back minor misdemeanor crimes such as DUI records on thousands of individuals.   Apparently most of the searches were for Gambling-related companies, that probably must have a high standard for criminal history background checks in order to meet federal and state compliance.

The agency used a list of crimes not found in state laws to find that some applicants shouldn’t be hired. The list, which included misdemeanor DUIs and other minor crimes, was in a bill considered but not approved by the 2003 Legislature.

The article touches upon the subject of application notifcation and whether the job applicants received an adverse action letter based on the background check. 

Capt. Phil O’Neill, who runs the division, said he didn’t know of anyone who lost a job over the mistake, adding they might not have been hired for other reasons.

This response sounds like code speak for “we found somebody better qualified” in which the company wouldn’t have to issue an adverse action letter.
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1 Comment so far
  1. california dui attorney June 11, 2009 5:21 pm

    california dui attorney…

    Expungement of criminal records (either arrest or conviction) is of critical concern to anyone with a prior conviction, or contemplating a guilty or no contest plea to a current offense…….

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