Background Check Results: What to do

By | May 31, 2008

David Evans wrote an interesting article about background checks in higher education.   As our universities begin to screen more candidates including professorships, its only natural for a scholastic and thoughtful discuss to arise about the merits of the background check procedure. He describes a horror story where a candidate was not selected due to negative information […]

No background checks for rogue doctor

By | May 29, 2008

Another background check controversy is erupting in Australia where a rogue doctor was practicing obstetrics illegally. The health minister reported :  no background checks were done on Graeme Reeves before he was employed as an obstetrician at two South Coast hospitals in 2002 despite being banned from the specialty in 1997.   Police are investigating hundreds […]

Church background checks? Screening the volunteers in the pews

By | May 28, 2008

The recent landmark lawsuits against the Catholic Church have made American churches more aware of their need to conduct background checks on all volunteers and church officials.  Trustees and Deacons are re-evaluating their hiring and volunteer programs to minimize harm to their church members, especially children.  The Baptist press recently quoted a church member: “I recommend that any church conduct […]

Running background checks on camp counselors

By | May 23, 2008

The Ohio Senate is looking into a new bill that would require background checks to be conducted on camp counselors.  Timothy Keil, a camp volunteer, was caught sexually molesting a child inside a cabin at a Perry County youth camp. His crime revealed a loophole that legislators are working to close. The state requires background […]

Background Checks for Fire Volunteers

By | May 22, 2008

Prisoners and inmates are sometimes used to fight fires, but now it seems that some New Jersey ex-cons may not be. At the suggestion of the Monmouth County Fire Marshal, the council looked into performing background checks for all public safety volunteers. The new background check policy will apply to all volunteers for the Borough […]

Background checks for Dubai’s carpoolers

By | May 21, 2008

Carpooling is illegal in Dubai.  Now, carpoolers can apply for licenses to become a carpooler, ridesharer, undergo a background check, and be allowed to ride to work in Dubai without fear of punishment. People can apply for licences to share cars with up to three colleagues, but before the RTA will approve a licence backgrounds […]

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