Pre Employment Screening is integral to your business

Apr 21, 2008 - 1:30 pm wrote an article about the effectiveness of the electronic I-9 program called E-Verify.

From the perspective of an employer with a bunch of interchangeable potential hires, it’s most efficient to simply run everyone through the system and fail to hire people with problematic records. Pre-employment screening is illegal, but a study commissioned by the DHS last year found that nearly half of participating employers were ignoring at least some mandated worker protections.

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The writer misused the phrase “pre-employment screening” which is the professional term used by screeners to describe legal, FCRA-compliant background checks conducted by employers to screen offer-ready candidates. Pre Employment Screening is legal and necessary in today’s working environment. The activity described in the article is probably described as not in compliance with the E-Verify electronic I-9 program. Note that most of the time the i-9 process will come back clear.

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